Our chute is the most simple and easy to use chute on the market. Our chutes are perfect for all cattle operations that want added convenience. It turns out that this slide can cut working time in half!
And the safety of the operator can be well guaranteed.
Our Hydraulic Chute is the most affordable hydraulic chute on the market. Our Hydraulic Chute is perfect for all cattle operations that want to add the ease of hydraulics. This chute has been proven to cut working time in half !
Livestock Weigh Crate, with Reader, antenna and electronic weigh scales, will automatically identify the animal and accurately record its weight. This Livestock Scales can automatic identification, weighing and recording for faster, more precise record keeping.
Using the BM Auto Drafter coupled with the BM intelligent weighing and grouping system to scan the cattle tags allows you to draft out animals based on divides cattle into three groups based on cattle weight data and electronic ear tag information.
The beef cattle feed intake measurement column system includes electronic scale, feeding trough, gate, electronic ear tag reader, industrial touch screen computer, electronic ear tag information collection statistical management software.
In large-scale breeding, how to deal with cattle such as epidemic prevention and weighing is more simple and efficient, and the actual data can also be collected and analyzed to provide data support for precise feeding. The solution configuration: S-bend channel, non-contact curved turngate channel, hydraulic guarantee frame, intelligent weighing system, to ensure that cattle walk under low stress, automatic reading of electronic ear tags, automatic weighing, according to the age of cattle weight group, improve cattle passing efficiency, reduce animal stress, ensure the safety of humans and animals.